Recommend Me
>> Friday, February 5, 2010
This weekly meme is hosted over at the Neverending Shelf story.
Pick one of your favorite reads, old or new and tell us why you like it, post your review, your thoughts, anything, the sky is the limit! Don't forget to link back up at the Neverending Shelf!

I recommend to you today The Last Canadian by William
C Heine. I read this novel many moons ago on a recommendation and loved it! Its a novel of one family's struggle through a world wide epidemic! Since it was published in 1974, it might be hard to come by but I'm sure many public libraries might have a copy or two kicking around (which, would be a bonus if you're in the Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge). Its a fast read and holds true just as much today as it would have when it was written!
I loved the Last Canadian!
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