Blog Award!
>> Saturday, February 27, 2010

For this award the recipient must:
Okay so 7 things about myself....hmmm, lesseee.
1. I'm partially blind in my left eye due to my mother contracting the German Measles when she was pregnant with me. I can see fine and drive but 3D movies are totally lost on me. Epic Fail on those.
2. When I was 12, I went to the National YBC Bowling Championships representing the Bantam girls from Manitoba. After being in last place going in the final day of competition, we managed to rally to win the silver medal.
3. I can't sleep without my body pillow which is a habit I picked up when I was pregnant with my daughter so when we travel, it comes with us. Its the bane of my husband's existence.
4. I have a half sister named Jesyka who I don't know nearly as well as I should for reasons beyond both of our control.
5. I love most reality tv shows, something I got hooked on with the first season of Survivor.
7. Reading is one of my passions and I taught myself to read when I was 4 with the tv guide. It seems my daughter has picked up that passion also and I am thrilled.
Now I need to give this award to some deserving bloggers. Since I only follow so many blogs, I cannot do 15 (also I have another award and don't want to duplicate blogs)